Linux: Installing/Running CloudView NMS Agent. Quick Start. 1. Download the corresponding latest installation file from our website. Let us say you downloaded file named 'CloudViewAgent-1.04-Linux-x86_64-Install' and put it in your /home/yourusername/ directory. 2. Make the file executable chmod +x CloudViewAgent-1.04-Linux-x86_64-Install 3. Run the installation: ./CloudViewAgent-1.04-Linux-x86_64-Install Note that you do NOT need to be root to run the installation. The installation program will detect whether your system has X11 GUI and correspondingly all the instructions will be presented either in GUI or in command line. You will be given a chance to select root directory. We suggest that you use default, which is '/home/yourusername/cloudviewagent'. 4. Change to the CloudView NMS Agent root directory: cd / home/yourusername/cloudviewagent 6. Start CloudView Agent. We reccommend you to be root for this (if you are not, the agent's functions maybe more limited) so use either 'sudo' or 'su root' (depending on your Linux flavour): sudo ./ You should use the above command every time when you need to set/change connection parameters to CloudView NMS Server, before agent starts. The above will ask you for the communication/access parameters to establish the connection. The parameters will be asked either in GUI or in command line depending whether your system has X11 GUI or not. The user/password accounts are set on the cloudview NMS Server. They are the same accounts which are used to access remote CloudView NMS Gui. Note that event if the server has public Internet Address, the connection still will be established. If the agent is successfully connected, you will see it in the "Connected Agents Table" in the CloudView NMS Server GUI (either remote or local GUI). Click on the corresponding agent entery to see the functions. To get full advantage of the functions, click "Add To map" button in the "Agents Table" Window. The agents appear as icons on the CloudView NMS current map. 7. If you want to run CloudView NMS Agent as Linux boot daemon, run: sudo ./ The CloudView NMS Agent service will start automatically next reboot. We strongly recommend not to run the agent on the came computer CloudView NMS Server is installed.