This is quick start manual how to install CloudView NMS Agent on ANY Linux including "Raspberry Pi". (For instructions on how to prepare "Raspberry Pi" SD Card image, find the corresponding pdf file on our download webpage) 1. Install Java. sudo apt-get install default-jdk 3. Download latest CloudView NMS Agent software. wget 4. Run installation (CloudViewAgent-2.11.jar is self-extractable jar file): java -jar CloudViewAgent-2.11.jar When asked about destionation folder/root directory simply press "ENTER" to accept default directory which is ~/cloudviewagent , otherwise you will have to enter full path. 5. Start CloudView Agent in no-gui mode: ~/cloudviewagent/ The above will ask about "CloudView NMS Server IP Address" and other connection parameters: TCP Port, Secure(Yes/No, i.e use HTTP or HTTPS), "User Name", "Password" and "computer name" to distunguish this particual agent from others when it is connected to the server. If the connection is successfull , you can configure it, so it will start automatically on every reboot: ~/cloudviewagent/ The manuals are inside ~/cloudviewagent .